Friday, June 6, 2008

Aku di kejar kuyuk jalanan atau kuyuk peliharaan?

Jogging somewhere in Bandar;
Ears deafened by the iPod im listening to,
there's a dog, brown coloured, female maybe :P, sniffing around;
and when it saw me, I got freaked out and so does the dog!
You know what it did ?
It chased me away!
and I was running sprinting as fast as I could!
Kepisan kali ah!
Gosh. How I hate dogs. It's incident like this made me traumatised and anti-dog; they are known to attack jua kan... *thats what i had in mind*

woof! woof! just run for your life....hahahaha


  1. lol!!! I shud've take a picture of that! haha!! it was soo funny tho..watching u being chased by a brown b*tch..

    I couldn't stop laughing! and the fact that u sprint(ed), as fast as u could, made it even funnier haha! and that face... hahahaha!!!

    Woof woof shouts the b*tch

    ~who let the dogs out?! woof woof wooooffffFfFf~

  2. LOL! even better you should have taken a video of it. Hahaha.

    Luckily i was FASTER than the dawg ah.... kn kn... hahaha...
