Friday, October 31, 2008
Doktor Tembaga
Kami cucu2 Mulah Nini Hj Ibrahim selalu bermain2 dgn gong2 atu d kampong. Malar tah kami mengatok tu gong atu sampai kedengaran seluruh rumah. Kdg2 kna marahi p sudah basar2 ane jrg g kn d katok sama kna marahi, haha. There's no more to hit now except for the smaller gongs hehe. Oh, hitting the gong has a very pleasant echo effect actually. It sounds really smooth. Not that I have hit other gongs made by other people ever, but u know its of high quality considering it's been around for ages and genereations. And with the same audio effect of a gong.
Sayangnya, ndada cucu2nya ane yg mewarisi tradisi membuat tembaga ane lagi...It shows how young people now have no or little interest in it..
I hope by giving it to the museum, many will appreciate its art and beauty and to recognise that there once was a great artist of coppermaking in Brunei.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Till there's no more tears....till there's no more cries
Found a kakitiga graffiti near the forest!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
& d nominees r...

1) Put the logo on your blog. (yes and this is the only thing i'd do)
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominee on their blogs.
I was awarded by Sally:).
Thanks Love :)
i really hope this is not the new way of 'if you don't forward this you'll have bad luck' kinda thing. coz if it does, i'd quit blogging. haha. eh wait, i could have just not post it, right... lerr...
A lazy Sunday morning with the bears
MOE's supposed to be having their 'Teachers' Day Walkhaton' this morning but I don't think it's on. Hmm, I wonder what alternative they have for their plan B. 'Walkathon using umbrella' perhaps. Sally wanted to attend this event but since its raining she decided not to.
I have other plan. Another sporting event that I have to win in Tutong. It doesn't matter if it rains or not this one. Bukit Beruang here I come....
Thursday, October 23, 2008
paper setter; setting THE paper
Like a bird that has just risen to look for worms.
My brain cant work now. i need a rubik's cube solver to fix my head and align all the colors and ears and my eyes in the right place. perfect tune my head please!
Im facing a brain block..
I cant think properly now.
lost focus hocus pocus.
nth eh...
Morning come to me now..
and i need a break and air and a proper lens to focus on.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Haiyya Alas'solah
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
And so does badminton.
I'm back to my
OH NO!!!!
I will make sure that won't happen... Sally~! :D
I had my racquet restrung today and bought 2 grips. Cant wait for tmw. It'll be a big game tmw in Tutong. Wish me luck.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Jawg yaw
And I didn't expect Raya would still be celebrated as of today. I could hardly remember how many open houses I've attended this year. I wouldn't be surprised to attend more open houses this coming week. I'm full and I'm gaining those weight back. Which is why I need to jog.
Tyakarang... haha!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Satu Jumaat yg penuh emosi
I've experienced this last week actually and also today - it really annoys me.
Kids, talking during the sermon. and the same kids were talking again at my back!
and even worst there were also 2 teenagers probably only form 3 or 4, who were also talking!
I gave them that 'look' tapi inda fhm2 dorg ane!
Mun kanak2 nda jua,dpt jua tolerate sikit but those F3,F4 are just too much man! Apatah lagi yg lebih tua dari atu. Nda fhm kah dorg? nda kna ajar kah dorg atu yg Solat Jumaat indakan sempurna kalau nda mendgr Khutbah? Arghh.... mana nda dalam class pun nda mndgr dorg ane! mun sudah khutbah pun berckp! Go back to school and learn some lesson boys!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Aku punya kamu ; I'm yours, truly
- Family, Sally and friends
2) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
- Fuel
3) Where do you wish to get married?
- Anywhere convenient
4) How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
- Forever insyaallah
5) Are you in love?
- Yes indeed
6) Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
- i think Cheezbox wah
7)Name the latest book that you bought?
- a camera magazine...does this count?
8)What is your full name?
- Eewan Eewan or Eewan Squared or Eewan to the power of 2. Haha.
9) Do you prefer your mother or father?
- Mother and Father, it depends on the situation
10) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time
- hmmm
11) Christina or Britney?
- Neither
12) Do you do your own laundry?
- I used to, now not anymore
13) The most exciting place you want to go?
- Singapore
14) Hugs or kiss?
- Hugs will not be complete without kisses. Haha.
15) 8 things I am passionate about:
my blog :P
Jogging and hiking
Apple - ipods, macs,
Adidas, Nikes, Yonex, Nikons, Canons - in other words brand-conscious haha
16) 8 things I say too often:
Entah kau
Hmmm......*with that sound*
17) 8 books I’ve read recently:
- I buy books and hardly read it till finish.
18) 8 songs I could listen to over and over again:
Anuar Zain
Faizal Tahir
The Beatles
The Times
Sing-along tunes, oldies and music with good beats and lyrics
19) 8 things I learned last year:
- Be yourself
- Dont be selfish
- eat less, workout more
- work harder and smarter
- Know the limit
- Learn and relearn
- be open minded to new things
- explore with new and exciting stuffs
- quality AND quantity
20) Tag 8 people:
- YOU.
- and in case you still dont get it; BISKITA bah ku tag, jgn nda eh. HAHA.
Darkest subjects
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Don't pffft in the library!
I'm interested in this idea: 1; and keen to attend this public lecture tmw.
I feel like I have too many work to do and to complete this week but too lazy to do it. Just like the pics I wanted to attach. Haha.
Esok maseh ada......
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Sekelumit diari di Hari Raya
The day started with the aidilfitri prayers. Selalu nyaman tdo ne d pagi raya ane and payahkan bangun. and all mosques will be filled with god's servants. It's interesting,compared to the friday prayers. Aidilfitri and aidiladha are times when mosques are fully packed, bnr. paking payah, apatah g mencari2 saf kosong (esp if late hehe). but theres always space to be filled...
all dressed decently good, some even wear their Baju raya when attending these prayers. and dats how it should be.
takbir raya are so soothing to be listened to, kdg2 sampai menitiskan airmata kalau di ucpkan, walaupun nda fhm bnr maksud ertinya. so here is the translation:
"Tiada tuhan melainkan Allah, kami tidak menyembah kecuali kepadaNya, dengan ikhlas
"Tiada tuhan melainkan Allah yang Esa. Yang benar janjiNya yang memuliakan tentera-tenteraNya, yang menolong hambaNya dengan mengalahkan tentera Ahzab dengan keesaanNya."
"Tiada tuhan melainkan Allah yang Maha Besar, Allah Maha Besar dan untukNya segala puji-pujian."
Every year, we'll be visiting the graves of our ancestors. We'll go to several places and recite the same thing (Yasin & Tahlil). And menuang aing asah-asahan. And I said to my dad, 'nda dapat tuang sajakah aing asah-asahan atu? (without the tahlil and yasin in several places). And he said, 'ia bukannya minta aing, tapi doa kitane...'
Iye tak ia jugak..
Akhir kalam, selamat menyambut hari raya aidilfitri tahun ane seadanya. Jangan luan byk makan sampai parut labu, baju carik, nda muat, sampai kejamban bUang batu. hahaha. im reminding myself too :P
main bunga api
bercucul kan bintang
main bunga api
melatup latup
sdg2 eh
usin kali d tunu atu ah..
pantun nda menjadi
till the neXt post.
hope to pOst some pics soon.
SHR maaf zahir batin dari hati ke jiwa murni.
harap maafkan harap ampunkan harap faham