Sunday, May 31, 2009

degupan perasaan

gementar rasa hati ketika ini untuk membayangi hari besar kmi akan di nikahkan
gemuruh rasa jiwa di masa ini atas rasa tanggunggjawab yg bakal kami pikul bersama
akhirnya chinta kasih sayang air mata peluh suka dan duka terjawab jua
lembaran muka surat baru di kehidupan kami sebagai pasangan suami isteri
bermulanya di sini
tak lama lagi.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Love of Heaven

A must watch for those thinking that Malay movies suck. This one has lots of messages that we as human tend to neglect. esp as a muslim.

a rating of 4 and a half star out of 5. Oh and two-thumbs up!

Friday, May 22, 2009


He looks cool. He is cool.

Bilakan albumnya ane kan keluar??

Tell me.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


my lap's at the doctor coz of CPU usage problem which has gone up to a 100%. It's crazy. It's causing my lap performance to a very slow snail system. Sigh. I'm pretty disappointed as this is not my first problem with this lappy. Sent it to get it reformatted and the problem persisted. I hope sending it again will finally fix it.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ori ke plastik?

It's hard not to be like 'that' and be like 'this' and not to remind you of 'that'.

nahmean ?

It's even hard to be in a state where we say ' Hey, I've seen that before somewhere', so in the end we just have to find something else 'new'. And again, being 'new' is not always NEW.
haha. I'm repeating my self. u get the drift. It's hard to be ORIGINAL. Something original is hard to find. SOmething new is always as a result of 'one-thing-leads-to-another' and thus making it better.

Macam kereta model baru. We'll always relate to what we have seen before and up to a point criticising a new model as a 'copycat' of 'this' model.

went with sally to look for Kia's new model in the market named "Soul'. Damn nice. We also like the Cerato model. Wait till the Koup version comes into the market and I believe it'll be a hit. U must be thinking that we're joking talking abt the Kia right? nope. See for yourself and u'll be amazed on how 'i wish i could own that' feeling u'll get.


This post aint about cars.

Its about ori ke tak ori.

and being ori is just not so ori.
