Wednesday, June 6, 2007

teR-$cratch! Meow!

That's the pic of the overscratched easicard...easi card: its easi to scratch and overscratch...haHah.. click on the picture and look closer, you can see how hard my mom scratched the numbers! meow! grrrr! ouch!

She had gone to one of the DSTcom counters and they took the card and asked her to wait for 2-3 days for the credit to be sent off to her. That's supposed to be today or maybe tomorrow and its gonna be in full balance ($20). Well, at least, let's hope so, hehe....

1 comment:

  1. Whoa!!!! ganas jua! Stress kah? hopefully dapat redeem balik..rugi tu eh..

    Easy Care..hope they do Care

    And realize that the quality of the card is no longer a better one..

    Well..ok plg tu..environmentally frendly..err.. :)
