Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Pesta Sukan Sekolah-sekolah 2007 - Closing
The event was alright. It's raining heavily that whenever you thought its not going to rain again it just kept on coming! Kesian, students with no 'ella-ella-ella-ay-ay~' paksa come on and off the seats to shelter from the unstoppable rain.
My school wasnt the noticable crowd to cheer their mates on the track. But the schools next to Sally was, even her school made so much noise! Hahah. Siok lah. and they of course cheer loudly of their schools' name. Imagine my school, "MASIN!! MASIN!! MASIN!!" lain kali ah bunyinya..haHah.
Had the chance to watch the events with my Sally Love too :) (2nd picture) in the rain with two ella ella......cant fit in one ella ella coz the umbrella was too small for two...keke
mood: Exhaustive of financially and physically tired and need of sleep
Song for the moment: Anuar Zain - Lelaki Ini
Salaam guys, see you in the next post! Cheers~
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
i got tagged too
1. Tell us your name
Eewan is not my real name.hahah.
2. Three things about yourself:
Butterfingers, pelalai, talk too much. hahah
3. What’s in your playlist:
Ive been repeating listening music of The Times; a malaysian retromusic band (highly recommended!!)
4. Your favourite music:
My favorite music genre kah, or song ne ah... well i listen to all sorts. sometimes i can be mellow, rock, hiphopy, oldies and evergreen.
5. Favourite guilty pleasure:
Going online when there's actually better things to do. hahah.
6. Favourite food:
None. ikut masa. Lunch lain, Hi-tea lain...But i do have a favorite drink; water!
7. Define love:
Love is what it is.
8. Define sex:
Sex is pleasure? hahah.
9. Any celebrity crushes?:
none. wishlist barangkali. oh dream on...
10. The last person you hugged:
Mini-G :)
11. The last person you talked to:
talked...hmmm...a friend in school.
12. The last time you cried:
last 2 days when i got too emotional watching 'inside Mecca' in National Geographic
13. The last time you had sex:
14. The last time you made out:
15. The last person you dated:
Sally Love :D
16. The last time you went out:
17. What’s on your mind now?:
thinking abt answering these questions? other than dat, sleep and rest.
18. What’s bothering you?:
19. This year’s resolutions:
Dont have one this year i think. I have more of 'expectations' than resolutions.
20. Your MSN nick:
21. What’s your MSN nick about?:
US. ME and Sally Love
22. The people you miss the most:
people? kinda miss the geo guys....bila lah lagi agaknya we can hang out and watch movies and hirup udara segar bugar. . .
23. Current mood:
thinking..haHah...and a bit indecisive as to whether to sleep or to watch TV or to do something...
24. What are you thinking?:
see #23
25. Best childhood memory:
too many to mention. so little space to list out. hahah.
26. 3 of your biggest fears:
Allah is the only fear.
27. Who do you love?:
I think you know who already :)
28. 3 of the things you hate:
being lazy
being skeptical
last minute work
29. Do you blog?:
err...nth ah.... hahah
30. Tag 5 people:
heheh this one's interesting, i wonder if these people will reply my tag:
- Sally love
- Hardy
- Yong
- Emma
- Lips
Monday, August 20, 2007
The Photocopy Machine and the photoKOPI guy
Let me ask you a question, how long do you think it would take you to photocopy 3 sets of paper with 4 pages back-to-back (8 pages in total, multiply by 3 = 24 pages) ?
How long? 5 minutes? 4 minutes? 3 minutes, the least, right? or even less! thats, if you know HOW to use the machine well.
Well not with the photoKOPI guy i went to. He took almost 20 minutes man!! crazy! sangal ku menunggu. I went to that place coz it charged me 0.03cent the last time, so i was thinking he might charged me the same again, but no. This time it was 0.05cent. So i lose, both time and money. damn. mun ku tau nda ku ke sana tadi......mana nda bth ah, he didnt know how to use the 'number' functions bah. so sekaping2 tah ia motokopi
at this moment ah, those kind of machines do help in doing our work. you know , printing or photocopying at a cheap rate for the sake of saving money and as a resource for our beloved students. photocopy versus our printer at home? of course lah photocopy murah kan, but who can afford to buy those machine ah? maahl kali ah.. hahah....so one thing that can come really close is, what somebody told me, a laser printer. I need one! But don't know if it really does save money and effort. hmmm....
Note: i hope u get the the reason why i used 'photoKOPI' guy..he..he..no offence (^_*)
Friday, August 17, 2007
Perempuan datang atas nama cinta
Bunda pergi karna cinta
Digenangi air racun jingga dalam wajahmu
Seperti bulan lelap tidur di hatimu
Yang berdinding kelam dan kedinginan
Ada apa dengannya?
Meninggalkan hati untuk dicaci
Lalu sekali ini aku lihat karya syurga dari mata seorang hawa
Ada apa dengan cinta?
Tapi aku pasti akan kembali dalam satu purnama
Untuk mempertanyakan kembali cintanya
Bukan untuknya
Bukan untuk siapa
Tapi untukku
Karna aku ingin kamu
Itu saja
Nicholas Saputra - Puisi (Cahaya Bulan)
akhirnya semua akan tiba pada suatu hari yg biasa
pada suatu ketika yg telah lama kita ketahui
apakah kau masih sambut dahulu
memintaku minum susu dan tidur yg lelap
sambil membenarkan letak leher kemejaku
kabut tipis pun turun pelan-pelan di lembah kasih
lembah bandalawangi
kau dan aku tegak berdiri melihat hutan2 yg menjadi suram
meresapi belaian angin yg menjadi dingin
apakah kau masih membelaiku semesra dahulu
ketika kudekap, kau dekaplah lebih mesra
lebih dekat
apakah kau masih akan berkata
"kudengar dekap jantungmu"
kita begitu berbeda dalam semua
kecuali dalam cinta
cahaya bulan menusukku dengan ribuan pertanyaan
yg takkan pernah aku tahu dimana jawaban itu
bagai letusan berapi bangunkan dari mimpi
sudah waktunya berdiri mencari jawaban kegelisahan hati
Enjoy :)
Monday, August 13, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
The Lizard/s
These are the lizard-like-iguana that's always been around the back of our kitchen. It interests me really, coz I wonder what exactly they are. Little iguana perhaps? And there are actually two of these creatures - a male and a female. (Click on pics to see details :)
My blog is now becoming a zoo! Hahaha....
Oh yeah just about recently I don't see these creatures often. I guess it's coz mom had sprayed on em' the last time. Yikes. RIP? maybe :(
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Baby Milo vs Baby Bird

Made a couple of changes in my blog....
Noticeably the header with pictures of Baby Milo from Bathing Ape's character :) , a w i d e r width size! yes finally, and gone is the Lava Lamp, hehe. Editing the HTML code and looking at the arrangement of the things were headspinning and ugly. Luckily it's not obvious when its produced.
This morning while having breakfast, mom told me that there's a Baby Bird right outside of our kitchen...I went out to see....And it was so small! hehe..kesian, it could'nt fly yet i guess although it tried to, but still couldn't...
Left the baby bird for awhile and it was gone...I bet its mother has gone to fetch em' up, heHe...
We also have like a small iguana outside of our kitchen. There were two of them. But recently, mom sprayed one of them with shieldtox, I dont know whether it's still alive but for sure she was terrified looking at it that night, which is why the shieldtox. hahah. will upload that pic later.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Thursday, August 2, 2007
2 Ogos 2007
Teacher's record book.
Pigeon hole balum.kesian.Baik tah ku mbali burungnya kali baru tah kna bagi sangkar.hahah.
being almost 3 months at the same school, going there as a newly appointed EO brings together a different set of feeling this morning. A sense of big responsibility this shoulder has long waited for, and anxious at the same time, thinking and hoping that there would be some more new faces, new friends and endless challenges. Hehe. reminds me of the briefing yesterday, that teachers are actually in a battlefield. You never know they'll come out alive or not. Hahah. Scary.
And its also in this 3 months that I have been continuously changing subjects to teach. Baru pun kan settle, I was told that since there are the other new teachers, I will be teaching a different subject. What~! I really really really hope that this won't happen again!!! It's a headache i tell ya! not just on our part but worst, the students themselves. Can u imagine, just within this year, 4 different teachers will be teaching the class?? gila kali.
My 1st day reporting to the school later started with the continuation of the already-given timetable from relief classes. So, that's the ehem thing about being a relief teacher at the same school. Hahah. Most people earn their 119 just relaxing at the staffroom but not me. As thursday is the busiest in my timetable, I really had a marathon of classes...tiring you know, but now all the worth~! :D
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Happy August :)
But I'm not really please that one of my relief partner in the same school I am now, wasnt posted there. So kinda sad lah, coz it's better to have him around to kill time. And I dont hear anyone being posted at my school...I hope there will be a group, or the least, a handful...
I'm glad that I am one of the lucky guy who teaches near to home and in this district as most of the other guy friends are posted outside districts. Why is it only guys ah..hehe..majority nya lah..
The wait is finally over and the answer has already been revealed...
Relief into real life now...I wonder how much difference I'd be in school...Curious on how 'the first day of reporting to school' will be like...how different would their treatment be....Haha..I wonder if I still have to teach the same classes tomorrow...huhuhu...But also expect that there will be more workload....erghh....
Alhamdullilah, we're finally here teachers...
To my coursemates and friends I convey to you my heartiest congratulations on your job and hope you guys have pleasant stay at schools where you are posted...
Salaam~ :)