Monday, August 20, 2007

The Photocopy Machine and the photoKOPI guy

Heh! what a title...

Let me ask you a question, how long do you think it would take you to photocopy 3 sets of paper with 4 pages back-to-back (8 pages in total, multiply by 3 = 24 pages) ?

How long? 5 minutes? 4 minutes? 3 minutes, the least, right? or even less! thats, if you know HOW to use the machine well.

Well not with the photoKOPI guy i went to. He took almost 20 minutes man!! crazy! sangal ku menunggu. I went to that place coz it charged me 0.03cent the last time, so i was thinking he might charged me the same again, but no. This time it was 0.05cent. So i lose, both time and money. damn. mun ku tau nda ku ke sana tadi......mana nda bth ah, he didnt know how to use the 'number' functions bah. so sekaping2 tah ia motokopi lingka ane, malam ari...sudah tah malam..hehe...

at this moment ah, those kind of machines do help in doing our work. you know , printing or photocopying at a cheap rate for the sake of saving money and as a resource for our beloved students. photocopy versus our printer at home? of course lah photocopy murah kan, but who can afford to buy those machine ah? maahl kali ah.. one thing that can come really close is, what somebody told me, a laser printer. I need one! But don't know if it really does save money and effort. hmmm....

Note: i hope u get the the reason why i used 'photoKOPI' offence (^_*)

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