Monday, November 26, 2007

words of wisdom 01

Ninety percent
the art of living
getting along
cannot stand

-samuel goldwyn-

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Alicia Keys Live at AMA

heh.....Alicia Keys with reggae, I've no idea what those rastas are saying, do u ? hehe.....One thing abt reggae singers is dat, dats the way they talk they're actually talking but singing to rhythms when they sing, get i mean ?.....errr, yea....keke

Thursday, November 22, 2007

(i dunno what title i shud put:)

been so busy, hectic, stressful days for me dis week....i even thought tmw is a school day...hahaha..

Havent been writing a new post, hmm malas kn update of whatshappenin in school. I guess it's all the same: registration, eCa, school activities SPN21 thngy, and other life-or-death situations i had to deal and get over with :( Alhamdulillah everything' back on track...

was browsing the net, and i found dis interesting picture of Nokia's overall model lineups..hehe...i can see my 1st HP in this pic haha....and i dint know its the first Blue-light model from Nokia...still got it in my keeping, operational, any takers ? hehe...

Monday, November 19, 2007

words of wisdom 00

If someone hurts you,
first try to figure out whether
that hurt was intentional or not.
Not every hurt is an attack.



When the rain is pouring down
And my heart is hurting
You will always be around
This I know for certain
You and me together
Through the days and nights
I don't worry 'cuz
Everything's going to be alright
People keep talking they can say what they like
But all i know is everything's going to be alright

"Next year, the SPN21 interim will be re-implemented for Secondary 1 students. Although the project that was previously introduced by the Ministry of Education may be viewed as a complicated task, the ministry hopes that it should be taken as a challenge that has been entrusted to the teachers. The strategic plan by the Ministry of Education will need to have the necessary organisational skills (committed and disciplined teachers) in -order to achieve the targeted objective of the project," said Hj Kassim bin Mohammad Yassin, Chairperson of JAPTIM in his welcoming speech at the event.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Cermin cakap dgn saya

Si-Alai : Are you ready [fill name here], bah bila ko start blajar computer??
Aku: hmmm when i was in form 1

Si-Alai : Kawin? duda? janda? bujang si Gandam?
Aku: si gandam bujang, aku pun bujang hehe

Si-Alai : Apa yang membuat you lain dari adi-bradi you yang lain?
Aku: aku anak ke 2 hahahaha

Si-Alai : Looking forward to anything? share lah sikit.
Aku: Oh yes, aku kn kna observe lagi untuk ke-3 kalinya

Si-Alai : Favourite celebrity??
Aku: Aku?

Si-Alai : Handphone kegemaran you?? 3 reasons please.
Aku: haiyoo ane payah ne...N81 not bad , n95 i like, 5610 and 5310 pun hehe

Si-Alai : Ko kaja dimana kan?? macam student jua sul mu ani.
Aku: Aku kaja d skulah, so aku sklulah maseh and aku student, err yea...

Si-Alai : banar tah nya mamamu ko cute atu.
Aku: adakan ?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Anniversary: November

Yesterday being the 13th,
it's our (Love and Sally's) anniversary again. Celebrated it like celebs :)

Thanx Love: Happy Anniversary

Love you more AND MORE each day too :)

Monday, November 12, 2007

The art of haircutting

Ever wonder how difficult it is to perfect the art of haircutting?? hahaha.....was just a thought while i was being haircut last how in the world did they do that? does being a barber similar to being a surgeon? coz both jobs involve 'cutting' kn.....and they must not make mistakes in their work, otherwise customer marah..or in the surgeon's case, the patient may lose life etc, nauzubillah.

That was just a thought though, being a barber (those cheap indian cutter) is a well respected job in my opinion, yet their art is so underpaid, if compared that with a barber who's working in a saloon.

i just remember, there's a trend goin on nowadays in school, dat many, or growing number of students are into 'V-haircut'....'gunting V' nya my student. Looks cool tho, i wonder if its against the school's rules, but for me it isnt. Yg innocent looking pun bleh jadi samseng looking bah olehnya bergunting V ah....huhu...

Anyways, hehe, it's been raining almost non stop lately. Tuala ku yg berjamur d luar atu pun pyh kn d bangkit, basah masih. And the temperature is cold... there'll be more sickness coming with this kinda weather, apatah lagi with more exercises after 2 months long of less physical activities....

WalkathOn held by MOE this morning was alright....there werent many familiar faces tho, i had a friend to walk with along the 4km route, luckily, otherwise i would have spend myself alone along the way...

Didnt get theluck draw at all....and the grand prizes were a couple of tickets 'outside borneo'....hehe

more pics coming sOOn....check me out again....Salaam~

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Walkathon Hari Guru

several more open houses coming, bila tah ku kn main badminton ne??? hahah..its been what, almost 2 months? time's not with badminton. its always the tuMMy dat does the thinking. hahah.there's gonna be a walkathon dis sunday

I was asked to come to represent my department's and as if it's not compulsory to come plang.. but new teachers, ehem, ya'll have to lah kan :).....It'll start at 7am awal bangun lah ne lagi ..haiyoo....but i bet its gonna be fun....ada lucky draw yo.....i heard grand prize nya Lexus ane wah....nadawah...

In school, we should have departmental meetings since wednesday (till saturday) but postponed due to the ehem not being able to make it, so it'll be sometime nextweek and startg 13th our school will be having the 3days marking days - off days for the students and marking days for the teachers - marking ??? i only have paper 1 english left to mark, which i think i can finish tmw.....insyaallah....

And there'll be a Raya and Teacher's day celebartion on monday the 12th, masuk Zulkaedah plang tu sudah yet not too late to celebrate Raya hehe...

That's all for now....Salaam....

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

one after another

feels so good...

the first touch down of a new jeWel...

feels so good!!


like a new born baby....

finally :)


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Jika aku seEKOR robot


jika ku seorang robot
nombor2 darah ku
jasadku impot ekspot
besi logam daging ku
sinar matahari solar
nyawa ku tenaga letrik
otak ku macam peluru
bernafas pun tak perlu
meneliti lebuhraya
mengawasi pasaraya
mata mata dari angkasa
jika ku seorang robot
tak perlu ada komplot
kawan kawan semua robot
25 jam sehari
8 hari seminggu

Friday, November 2, 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Mountain Pressure


This is the update. Hehe...

Teachers' day celebration was OK lah last saturday. Met many new teachers of our intake of course. The choir presentation by the primary kids was awesome. They can really perform and sing and entertained at the same time. Even HM was also entertained hehe.

Gonna post some pics of the event soon. sooner. sooooner. hahah.

Hmmmmm.........malas kan cakap pasal what happened in school. its just me i think. me myself and I nya orang. and my school. keke.

Nuff said.

i need to exercise....sweat, sweat, sweat...

as of today, gaji kami blum masuk/keluar yet.