Monday, November 12, 2007

The art of haircutting

Ever wonder how difficult it is to perfect the art of haircutting?? hahaha.....was just a thought while i was being haircut last how in the world did they do that? does being a barber similar to being a surgeon? coz both jobs involve 'cutting' kn.....and they must not make mistakes in their work, otherwise customer marah..or in the surgeon's case, the patient may lose life etc, nauzubillah.

That was just a thought though, being a barber (those cheap indian cutter) is a well respected job in my opinion, yet their art is so underpaid, if compared that with a barber who's working in a saloon.

i just remember, there's a trend goin on nowadays in school, dat many, or growing number of students are into 'V-haircut'....'gunting V' nya my student. Looks cool tho, i wonder if its against the school's rules, but for me it isnt. Yg innocent looking pun bleh jadi samseng looking bah olehnya bergunting V ah....huhu...

Anyways, hehe, it's been raining almost non stop lately. Tuala ku yg berjamur d luar atu pun pyh kn d bangkit, basah masih. And the temperature is cold... there'll be more sickness coming with this kinda weather, apatah lagi with more exercises after 2 months long of less physical activities....

WalkathOn held by MOE this morning was alright....there werent many familiar faces tho, i had a friend to walk with along the 4km route, luckily, otherwise i would have spend myself alone along the way...

Didnt get theluck draw at all....and the grand prizes were a couple of tickets 'outside borneo'....hehe

more pics coming sOOn....check me out again....Salaam~


  1. there werent many familiar faces tho, i had a friend to walk with along the 4km route, luckily, otherwise i would have spend myself alone along the way...


  2. a male friend :)

    remember the guy who left his name tag during induction?? he went up the stage to represent his group and he had to use my nametag coz he didnt bring his dat day...

  3. Oh hehe...yeah..remember him well
