i may have missed the 888 buzz in posting this, but its better late than never? haha sometimes.
hmm things i looked forward on 888 were
1. Butterfingers' new album - Kembali - ive been looking for it in shops before yesterday but to no avail. Will probably be on the look these couple of days. Oh, i have listened to the entire album btw. Its availble for dload through illegal channels. Will be buying the album anyways if its available. What i can say abt the album; it's butterfingers. heheh...
2. The Olympics. - the opening was spectacular tho i didnt watch the entire opening. Such a long one dat one
3. Jogging at tasek.hehe. But Sally couldn't join as she was bed-ridden sick :( Lets hope she'll recover very soon.
aAAWWWWW..SORRY LOVE..will 'repay' the day...I miss you