Monday, November 10, 2008

Aku hampa padamu, DeLL


Saya hampa sungguh-sungguh.

My laptop's been sent for service again because I realised the fan didnt stop spinning and it's making a noise which is quite audible - hissing sound, like a wind blowing non-stop.

I hate it when it's time when I need the laptop urgently to do some work and things like this pop-up all of a sudden. I wish ada pop-up blocker that I can use, but that's silly. Haha.

As result, I cant update this blog as often. I've many pics to share - many things to learn and discover everyday. Its just getting better. Yea. Haha.

Click click click. . .

Saya hampa padamu Dell...


  1. Wakaka!! I had my turn last week Love..

    I also needed it last time for my Action Plan and SoW..but till now, belum jua Sally buat haha..

    Love, I should've bought that Photoshop magazine yang tadi tani liat ah..haha...oh well...

  2. eeii..shud've buy! marah karang nie Cigu Eewan ani haha

  3. Yea.... vaio will be under my list if I were to buy another lap, and also Asus...

    ehem... lau sudi sponsor bleh jua lah.. mana saja plg tu..tanpa was2..


  4. Haha!!! tanpa ragu tu..di jamin kah? sariatu bukan yang condemn atu kan? hehe..mbli kohjinsha saja ku eh..wakaka

  5. HEHEHE asteee~ aku yang ragu-ragu lagi was-was tue :P

    Yes , i am vaio user (: Ngggakk sehh..ngak pernah condem....heehs..hari tu pasal ia jadi 'babau' saja sekajap pasal si pidols jadi si tau update this and that....huhuhuh...

    So far soo goooddd (:

    Kohjinsha...pidols pakai konica saja :P
