Sunday, April 15, 2007

Badminton pics @ Menglait

Aahh...some pictures taken at Menglait sports centre. These are some of my friends who are loyal to turn up to their weekly dose of badminton. Seriously. We do turn up to play really hard. Till all are tired and so sweat out. Hahah. Kudos to those who come and make the games all the worth to play. Got to give credits to Ming for organising and checking the availability of the court for sundays :) .

And thanks for those who pose in these pictures : Hardy, Yong, Fadilah, Ming, and myself. Hehe. Always looking forward to our next game. Cheers!


  1. You want a comment? hehe kesian..

    Blog, blog, blog on my monitor, who has the cutest smile of all?


  2. errr.....and what does your comment got to do with the topic and pics above? haHah....

  3. Haiyo~~'s great to see you guys are playing badminton and the pix are shown here...hey! Where's joyce (and me?) haha
