Monday, June 4, 2007

Have you ever had THE SCRATCH of your life?

My mom just over scratched her easicard ($20) and couldn't even see the numbers!!

garam ati nya x...haHah...ganaz...

luckily easiK comes into mind, and told her to bring the card to the DST counter..i wonder if they offer full redemption for the card...

will update on this... and will post some pics of the card...

a dose of the pill is making me sleepy now...(i'm having symptoms of flu+tonsil)

good night



  1. haha that happened to me once masa masih makai kad to go online & it was a $50 surf card!

  2. hoho...its like scratching and tearing a $50 note tu....then what happened? did u ask for refund from 'JTB' ?

  3. Whoa!!! :D lucky ada espeed now ... Im thinking of subscribing post paid.. :) bleh kan Eewan?

  4. nda..i figured out some of the scratched numbers. baik jua hehe nasib mama ku inda tau 'cos she paid for it.
