Tuesday, July 31, 2007

kirikananmu ada bintang, kirikananku ada bulan purnama, mengambang penuh :)


2days for interview and we finally got the answer? That is quick.

Right after meeting at school which ended around 2, i was called by the MOE to take a letter asap by today. I thought to myself, am I the only one? wahahaha. Coz i asked Sally and a friend whether they were called about the same thing or not. turned out they dont receive any. And otw there, messages were non stop from friends forwarding the mssge to take the letter at MOE. So everybody was supposed to take the letter lah...

anyways, picked up sally before going there, and as usual it seems like everybody's accepted to be EO's. But no, some of my friends didnt have their letters there. How ah? We were told that they still have to come for the briefing tomorrow but they were also told that they will be processed later. eh entah eh. good thing is, most of us got the letter :D

So thats good news!!

Plus, my allowance for June has already in as well!!

Wuhuu....Double the good news!

Now anxious to know where to be posted....

Very tired now...

Good night people...


Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Interview & The Waiting

Asalam. Hi.

What makes u interested in teaching?
Why do you wanna teach?
What do you think are your strengths in teaching?
Involved in eca? cca? what were your positions in clubs?
How about religious activity? Are you involved in your kampong's religious activity/clubs?
etc etc etc

The above are some of the questions i was bombarded with. And some are very challenging to answer. My friends waiting outside told me i was one of the longest to be interviewed. I think it took me half an hour bah. Time flies when you have too many things to say. I bet the interviewers must be tired listening to me. Hahah.

The leaked question :) for the written test can be found at Kim's blog. We didn't have a choice this time but to answer one question. Even the interview itself is harder than the relief interview. Oh my...Now I'm thinking that the interview is not just for the sake of interview. Or is it? I don't know now that whether I will still be staying at the school I'm currently holding as a relief teacher. And glad that I didn't get interviewed by my school's principal! Huhu.

Another move: is just the waiting for posting....

*back to waiting mode people...*

Friday, July 27, 2007

Interview: for the real thing, part 2

Text mssge:

'MOE baru tpun suruh ambil surat. Awal ane jua ah. Before kul 5. Gtau kawan2 tane yg lain'
Thats how the text mssge sounds when i received it at noon yesterday. Arriving there, curious, at aroung 2ish, it's a letter for an interview for daily paid teacher. Alhamdulillah, finally, although it's just interview. What surprises me is the day when my interview is. Its tomorrow, saturday 28th. Buleh? Thursday ambil surat, saturday nya interview? what if i didnt get my letter yesterday? Luckily this isnt a first interview for MOE. so everything, insyaallah should go fine. Amin. Hehe.

It's also a bit funny lah when MOE just called several people and then expect the person/s who's being called to spread the mssge to others. I consider this informal. rather, unprofessional. macam org kan invite ke majlis kahwin, p nda terberakan surat jemputan. pkai sms saja. sure we do get the mssge. p nda bisai lah. heHe. yet to see people emailing their invited guests by email. Huhu.

Anyways, we are moving to a world where everything gets shifted to another gear where its getting fast and efficient. That's leaving out the issue of formality. Whatever that means to you :)

Will be meeting some familiar faces and friends for tomorrow...and get updated :D


(Friday prayer...)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Panik di BSB

Such a strong wind that BSB was facing last night...

In that moment too, many incidents had happened at home...

We had a blackout...

And in that blackness, a candle alone couldn't brighten us well enough when my dad called on my mom's hp that his car fell off the drain on the way home...

Alhamdulillah, he's not injured, but the car was in a scary state...

Drive safe people...


Sunday, July 22, 2007

The sweetness of losing and the bitterness of winning

There's been too much pressure this week...

I was observed by the principal and HOD, had some good remarks but bad remarks (for improvements) far outweigh the goodness....sigh

I have a friend who's also been teaching in my school starting November last year, even she hasn't got observed by the principal yet...and i was like...w h a t....

and today I was also lectured and criticised for my lousy play in a badminton game...my partner, who's an old man, asked me to play the bird/shuttle at the back, which i tried doing...and he even commented on how i handle my racquet.....word....all these mentally affected me...for the better of my game, i accept his coachy approach...heHeh...we lost the game :)

It's really been a tiring week....the days' been really hot and blazing especially during noon and afternoon....fuuh....and then comes nighttime its all windy and rainy....

We were out in the festivity last night (saturday night), we got there early like 8 and parking wasnt a problem...but the heat was....can u imagine, with all the people busy coming in and out of the booths and there were many of them, i've never been to so many people going there before, plus the temperature of the night was terrible... I wish it'd rain so that would drive away more people from coming..haHah....

Hope this coming week would be a better one...


Tuesday, July 17, 2007


once u click, you click
and once u dont, u dont

once you do, you do
and once you dont, you dont





*ramblings of a tired mind, remixed with what im seeing, reading, and contemplating...*

Good night (-_-)


Monday, July 16, 2007

Hairi Patah dan Burung Cenderawasih

Harry Potter and the order of Phoenix was the best of all the episodes.

Although the first part of the movie was a yawn, but it gets me on the edge of the seat when the real action set in. And everyone was silence, concentrating on the scene where Dumbledore was against 'you know who' :P

Dont wanna spoil the movie here..haHaha..i can tell everything, but i'll let you watch the rest.

I seldom go watch a movie where the cinema was a full house, and i just had one. Glad, the noise level was tolerable.

Holidays. The Mall. Kids. School kids. Lots of em'. I know you can relate to those phrases. It's just mad. o yeah, and also 'traffic jam'.

Being in Gadong today makes me feel like tomorrow is a holiday. You know, having many people, especially school kids around, makes me wonder if we do have school tomorrow. And most people are having a swing, relaxing and chilling and spending all they can...mind you it's only the 16th of the month. So that should be a good thing. Hehe. Coz it used to be deserted considering that its the middle of the month. Most people would have finished spending their income by the first week of the month.

I wish Sally was with me watching the movie. I was with a good friend of mine, tried very hard to get another seat, but it was a full-house by the time I called the counter, which was aroun 3. show was 1630 hours.

Next movie: The Simpsons; hope to watch this with other friends too. Hehe. Sally, take a note! :D

Friday, July 13, 2007

Will there be a strike/riot?



reading the title of the post...u must be wondering why on earth would that happen??

i believe if you are BA Edn unemployed species (Malay/English medium creatures), sms has been going around on Friday the 13th regarding about a 'meeting'...'attacking' this particluar building where they are responsible for recruiting these creatures (us lah tu :P)...the event should happen today the 14th, at 1300hours...

As that time comes, will there be a strike/riot?

What WE are waiting for is, the least, a reasonable answer.

We shall wait.

If you dont wanna join the meeting, that is.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Anniversary: July

Anniversary Graphics

Happy Anniversary Sally Love :)

The time should indicate 0000hrs dated 13thjuly2007 :D

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Elaun keluar or elaun masuk?


Greetings...It's been more than a week since i last posted, perhaps you are disgusted about that last post..hahah...fun facts(?), fun info people..

Been really busy with work..actually planned to post up some pictures but i guess i had to delay that for a moment coz I need to do some touches on it, if necessary.

As of today my long awaited 'allowance' for my 'oh-not-so-exciting-temporary-job' is out. It's for MAY. FINALLY! Yes, at least there is still hope about this work. after more than a month of waiting, a dose of monetary pills is all you need to look forward to in this job. not that we're not sincere; but with it we can at least have a breathe, that life will surely go on lighten a pinch with that little amount, hehe. It puts the smile a little bit, and dont know how long will it last.hahah.

mind you, this is just a little taste of the real work, where we earn our 'income' instead of 'allowance'. HAHA. We still earn allowance, not income/gaji *sigh*.

Note: 69, anniversary is coming up :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Khasiat Kentut‎

I got this forward email, i dont know if it's true. But it's darn interesting. Muahahah. If u may, verify whether it's really true.

WASHINGTON : Ia mungkin melucukan dan dianggap tidak masuk akal tetapi pegawai kesihatan persekutuan Amerika Syarikat (AS) dijangka segera mengeluarkan laporan yang memberi amaran kepada umum mengenai faedahkentut. "Kentut, jika kerap dihidu boleh menyembuhkan perbagai penyakit berbahaya seperti sakit kepala, gangguan pada mata, emfisema, lelah,bronchitis sakit jantung dan lain lain"Setiap tahun, kira-kira 130,000 rakyat AS telah pulih daripada perbagai penyakit disebabkan menghidu kentut dan ramai lagi berasa lega daripadapenyakit serius kerana terlalu lama terdedah kepada keadaan itu," kataseorang doktor yang bertugas dengan Pusat Kawalan Penyakit (CDC) AS. Katanya, orang ramai mesti menyedari menghidu kentut sebenarnya menabahkhasiat untuk kesihatan orang lain. Menurut laporan yang akandikeluarkan CDC, setiap tahun kentut mempulihkan 800 kes seranganjantung, 250 kes angin ahmar,30,000 lelah dan 50,000 Kes sakit telinga. Disebabkan masalah makanan tidak teratur, kini ramai rakyat Amerika menghidap kembung perut. Menurut laporan itu, purata penduduk AS kentut 14 hingga 23 kali sehari.
Moral of the story : Kentutlah merata-rata tempat. Ingatlah orang-orang yang tersayang!!

Sunday, July 1, 2007


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Exactly a week ago was this couple"s wedding. May Allah bless you two with happpiness and more children to come :). Thank you Za, for the invitation.