Wednesday, October 24, 2007



Plan for 25-10-07:

kan dtg awal ke skulah at 6am. yes, SIX. bangun kul 5am, tolak dari rumah at 545am.
kenapanah? coz aku ketaguran. oleh SM. aku slalu akhir dtg. takut2 nda kna sokong ke gaji bulan. jauh palis!! and thing is, bukannya aku awal balik pun. i paid back my lateness by going home slightly late. so dat should cover up a bit right ? NO. yth cali. org2 kuat ane mliat time 'punch in' saja. punch out malas tya ingau kali. oh yes, another thing that's reminded is to stay back for 4 1/2 hours in a week.
there's an invitation for attending this saturday's teachers' day celebration at the ICC. each school is given 35 invitations, and most of us new teachers here are given the priviledge to attend. wow, terasa now that im a teacher . hahaha. guys nya mesti bercara melayu or bersuit.
will update you on how my plan for tmw goes... hehe... it's just a plan right ?

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Cemana Raya dis year?

Malas update. Sibuk Raya. Aga open house. nda terupdate. malas update. makan makan. layan layan org datang ke rumah. tidur makan. main bunga api. liat bunga api. lampu cucul. buang duit. kepala paning apa kan d bali. hahahaha....

hari hujan. aga open house. perut panuh. kanyang 24 hours. parut bergas. parut jadi galak. cirit birit. badan pun naik balik. puasa sebulan. naik 2-3 hari saja...hmmm....

stress ? buat kerja. kerja sekolah. setting paper. paper paper. meeting deadline. HOD marah. buat tya buat.....!!! hahahaha...

Oh, such a rambling....

Hows your raya dis year ?
Meriah kah? Siuk lagi las year perasan ku. Dulu UBD macam tane ganya kn ingau exam ane. and now PMB tya, O level tya, PSR semua exam. ...

Nda g ada kna bg duit raya dis year. I havent received any green packts, except masa org bersedekah d kubur aritu. and dats it. getting old plg rasanya. mentang2 keraja. hehe. turn for us to give plg....

my mouse pad rusak just a moment ago. Made me wanna stop. skali ane baik tya. i think i better stop and head home. masa ne d skulah curi2 connexn mempost blog skajap hehe...

Byk kn d attend open house today: Lips, Ibrahim and a friend. Yesterday arah si KiM. Nampak bald patchnya. hahah. nadalah.

See you guys in the next post. Salaam~

Sunday, October 14, 2007

just me and my tummy

m experiencing a tummy upset.... while i was sleeping.....sakit banar....macam memulas bah rasanya, terbangun ku masa subuh...dugal? nth...or is it because my tummy has the shock of consuming too many food coz before this fasting kan...hmm nth hurts you know....mana siuk beraya ne cemani ane....

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Anniversary : October

A monthly event i nearly forget....

Happy Anniversary Love...

I realised so far, that many important events fall on the 13th ah hehe....

n/b: i got the above pic from a forward, and it makes me smile. or laugh, rather. hahah...

Ramadhan sudah pergi, syawal di sambut kini

Last day of Ramadhan yesterday....last terawih and surely gonna miss Ramadhan alot...Syukur dapat menunaikan ibadat puasa Ramadhan dis year...such a beautiful blessing..

Badil. non stop since last sungkai yesterday. ushering in the mark of aidilfirtri....baru ya, nda beranti ane wah....

Takbir raya pun nda beranti di laungkan ...alhamdulillah....

kami mengganti bulb lampung last night. bright yellow bulbs. i like to have those LED's cucul...esp whites and blues...hmmm....

My pc rosak lagi. sent it the 2nd time already and still.old pc, problematic....better get a new one lah oi....

my signal light got stolen. yes stolen!!! sigh.....knapalah org suka sangat curi spare part keta2 lama ah??

To all readers,

Maaf Zahir Batin...
May this aidilfitri be a joy to celebrate and dont forget to forgive and give green packets hahah and if ada invitation for open house, insyaallah akan d tunaikan....

Salaam Aidilfitri...

Oh thank you for those who sent their greetings to me hehe.... sampaikan malas kan balas sudah.....macam2 bunyinya greeting ane...p ada jua yg malar sudah taun2 d dgr...

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Watch that car will ya!!!

just when i thought im done over somethings, there always other things that will come along the way to obstruct me from enjoying my space of relaxation and peace of mind. SIGH!

im done with 2nd observation by the princiapl. *Fuuuh* relieved*

now here's the story that bugs me today:

From kiulap after picking up my sister, time was 550pm, berabut kan sungkai, going through the deadly qlap roundabout, taking the very left lane with a car infront of me, i thought the car infront of me was going to go, but it didnt! so *Kaboom* there goes my front bumper - my signal lights and front grille dent inside! - arghhhh and the car infront only had his plate licence fell off and his bumper coating all got off - macam, eh? cemana buleh chat kerita nya larak atu? karing ane wah. stress ku eh!!! i left my HP number to him and the person didnt even have a number himself. takut ya kna buyuki, i gave him $20, and to settle everything tomorrow...

damn. somethings are just meant to be. somethings are just unpredictable. That it ruined the day, so much that it really got me into my head.

Lesson learned: Always watch the car infront of you!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Are u blogger?


I just got my CPU back after got it serviced for about four days, which explains my absence from the www. Had it reformatted but still retain my old files, so its the same old thing but serviced. better slightly, faster slightly, lighter maybe but the same symptoms of the previous problems remain. I dont know if they've done a clean service *sigh* but i reckon its the age of my CPU that creates the problems. To get a new one soon!?

Too much to think of, too many things to do in a oh-so-stressful time this week. I just cant wait for the holidays.

On a different note: Are u blogger?

these things can be blogged about(the above). Thats what bloggers do. and we dont just sit in front of the pc doing nothing, well at least i dont sit infront of the PC 24/7. we live a normal life, too. you know. hahah...

pssst thats just a note if you're thinking if this is all we do :D
Note also: this post was, fortunately, saved to draft as my pc continued to trouble me the early morning....
