Wednesday, October 24, 2007



Plan for 25-10-07:

kan dtg awal ke skulah at 6am. yes, SIX. bangun kul 5am, tolak dari rumah at 545am.
kenapanah? coz aku ketaguran. oleh SM. aku slalu akhir dtg. takut2 nda kna sokong ke gaji bulan. jauh palis!! and thing is, bukannya aku awal balik pun. i paid back my lateness by going home slightly late. so dat should cover up a bit right ? NO. yth cali. org2 kuat ane mliat time 'punch in' saja. punch out malas tya ingau kali. oh yes, another thing that's reminded is to stay back for 4 1/2 hours in a week.
there's an invitation for attending this saturday's teachers' day celebration at the ICC. each school is given 35 invitations, and most of us new teachers here are given the priviledge to attend. wow, terasa now that im a teacher . hahaha. guys nya mesti bercara melayu or bersuit.
will update you on how my plan for tmw goes... hehe... it's just a plan right ?


  1. Salam

    I reckon coming to school at 6 is way too early... 645-715 is just fine

    Well, if this is what you're planning to do, go ahead..I just hope the gate is open by the time you arrive

    We, new teachers, aren't invited to come for the function - instead - we'll go berayaing to one of our colleagues.. ia open and her house is just a stone away from school

    Best of luck love, support you in anyway :)

  2. tried to live up to my challenge to come at 6am, but couldnt make it on time. i came around 6.26am. hahaha. among the few early birds to come....

    talking abt birds, ada burung (not birds bu 'burung2 yg byk2 atu') right infront of the reception desk. berjurit, i offered myself to become a cleaner hahahah...macam kna denda pulang...

    I wish i could come this early always...oh btw, m writing this post at my cubicle with the laptop on :D

    Btw, before i go, there'll be a 15 minutes assembly at 715-730...i wonder how much can be done in 15mins..hahah


  3. ko ah dtg awl ngacau ranking ku eyh.... pa2tnya aku d 2nd yg dtg 2 bkn ko hahahahaha..... tp nda apalh s long s top 5 ok th ku msih 2... alm g ku mental 2 hahahaha.... bh bsuk jgn dtg pkl 7 onwards, dtg 6.00am d huaho mangis ah....

    btw thnx 4 dtg 2 my house td.... thnx 2 sally 2~ tima kacih ah.... tp klupaan ku mbg ampau td whoahahahaha..... mun sudh lupa a2 jgn th d tagih2 ah..... ;p

  4. Ms. Apa2 Aje: ko 2nd? jgn saja heran nanti aku first..heheh... dont think abt being second lah....alang2 ko ah... hahahah..

    TQ for the invitation to ur open house....terasa jauhnya eh... i cant imagine driving to school 5 times a week to and fro ur house to school....much respect to u for being consistent coming early to school :) hehe...

    Love: will definitely update u on hw the event will go....gonna bring a DC tmw...

  5. so kana sokong tah ur gaji bulan?? hehe... jz asking since m processing ur gaji bulan.. haha..
    nwez selamat hari raya.. n happy teachers day..
    btw i was browsing thru d net n came across ur blog..

    moe officer
    bahagian pengambilan n perkembangan guru

  6. Welcome aNonymous.

    Glad dat u found my blog.

    at least from nw on i have a reader driect from BPPG :)
    hmm surprise dat u found dis blog of mine. its a hard find u know ;P

    my gaji bulan is in progress....

    bila agak2nya kami gaji bulan ah ?

  7. usually 8-10mths after u apply..
    if u applied oredi den itz in d process sal d is no longer an spa borang on my desk.. :p semua sudah be-antar ke da.. lapas dri da ke spa den jpa.. haha.. long long process.. so yea... ur borang probably lapas dah dari sini (dat is if u applied dah..)
    bah nwez u tyk ker..
