mana ada. u know my next class should be this saturday period 1-2. but my HOD called me to come, untuk apa nah? for relief!! yes relief. mind you, most teachers have a different understanding of that word, and relief, by their definition means that ure 'free' with no subject to teach, so we give u class to relief, whose teacher is on sick leave.
came to school at 9 (tiwas, akhir kna tpun). and after sigining in, bumped into the principal. terkajut ya i was there. and i told her that, i was called to 'relief' a class padahal i was supposed to be in school dis Saturday. skali, d aga nya timetabling section, she explained to the teacher inside, chegu relief ane dtg untuk mengajar saja. bukannya merelif class. kalau nada class dorang ane nda payah dtg.
man. i couldve a longer sleep if not for the call.
dorang ane macam nada communication bah. the principal knows, but the other teachers dont. dat includes my HOD. balik2 udah ku explain, i only come to teach. im only paid to teach. if theres no class, i dont have to come. i guess dats simple enough to understand, kan?
but not for the other teachers. what they have in mind abt 'relief' is just dat. tane merelief class saja. merelif class yg nda berchegu. awu atu sanang plg banar tu. i would like to do just dat and get paid $50 per day. tapi, i doubt the ministry would pay me. they know if i dont have any lesson. why should i be paid?
another thing, i think, most teachers always thought of me ( relief teacher ane) as guru bergaji hari. they think we are like them. padahal tane earn half of what they earn jua saja (or less). and we dont enjoy any benefits whatsoever like allowances, transport etc, except for not coming when theres no lesson. are we asking too much?
back to where the principal brought me to the timetabling, i was actually given a new timetable by Ck S, for teaching commerce form 1, (happy ku sudah), but not long! sigh. well, i went to see my HOD, and told him, skali back to timetabling, Ck X ane gtau nda tya ku dapat ngajar dat commerce form 1! at the moment still stick to commerce form 2 nya till the end of the month. damn it!!!!! again, another miscommunication kan? F**k eh!
oh well, slowly killing me.....i guess i'll just have to tackle commerce form 2 ane.....despite my weaknesses in bookkeeping/accountg.......tawakkal saja and keep on reading and hopefully understand at the same time....
its a tough job this one......i wonder how far till i break.....
or will i break and get up again?
had to relief two classes just now, 2G and 2A. surprisingly, its easier to control the G class than the A. sigh. A class made me nuts and go crazy. please be patient....
too tired already....
came to school at 9 (tiwas, akhir kna tpun). and after sigining in, bumped into the principal. terkajut ya i was there. and i told her that, i was called to 'relief' a class padahal i was supposed to be in school dis Saturday. skali, d aga nya timetabling section, she explained to the teacher inside, chegu relief ane dtg untuk mengajar saja. bukannya merelif class. kalau nada class dorang ane nda payah dtg.
man. i couldve a longer sleep if not for the call.
dorang ane macam nada communication bah. the principal knows, but the other teachers dont. dat includes my HOD. balik2 udah ku explain, i only come to teach. im only paid to teach. if theres no class, i dont have to come. i guess dats simple enough to understand, kan?
but not for the other teachers. what they have in mind abt 'relief' is just dat. tane merelief class saja. merelif class yg nda berchegu. awu atu sanang plg banar tu. i would like to do just dat and get paid $50 per day. tapi, i doubt the ministry would pay me. they know if i dont have any lesson. why should i be paid?
another thing, i think, most teachers always thought of me ( relief teacher ane) as guru bergaji hari. they think we are like them. padahal tane earn half of what they earn jua saja (or less). and we dont enjoy any benefits whatsoever like allowances, transport etc, except for not coming when theres no lesson. are we asking too much?
back to where the principal brought me to the timetabling, i was actually given a new timetable by Ck S, for teaching commerce form 1, (happy ku sudah), but not long! sigh. well, i went to see my HOD, and told him, skali back to timetabling, Ck X ane gtau nda tya ku dapat ngajar dat commerce form 1! at the moment still stick to commerce form 2 nya till the end of the month. damn it!!!!! again, another miscommunication kan? F**k eh!
oh well, slowly killing me.....i guess i'll just have to tackle commerce form 2 ane.....despite my weaknesses in bookkeeping/accountg.......tawakkal saja and keep on reading and hopefully understand at the same time....
its a tough job this one......i wonder how far till i break.....
or will i break and get up again?
had to relief two classes just now, 2G and 2A. surprisingly, its easier to control the G class than the A. sigh. A class made me nuts and go crazy. please be patient....
too tired already....
cali jua cigu disana atu... Btw the principal and teachers should have a meeting jua dulu psl relif teacher kan dtg and gto teachers apa sebenarnya keraja relif teacher ani... Ijapkan cigu2 disana mengambil kesempatan...
ReplyDeletehahaha mun merelief catu sanang kraja tu eh. duduk2 saja dalam class skali kana bayar haha ramai orang apply tu
ReplyDeleteThat thing I don't like...I dont like 'relieving' a class.. I rather teach..
ReplyDeleteHad enough time TP and observe...and invigilating...
I would tho if i'm a permenant teacher..but hey..a relief post for teaching certain subjects only bah! iatah payahnya nie if nada communication b/w parties...
I dont want to be misused and abused..
cian my baby Eewan *hugs*
if the schools/moe want someone to relief (just to sit and watch the students) call the educated-unemployed...not us..we teach the no-teacher class, get it?