Thursday, May 3, 2007

And the rating is.....

Show started 1630 hours. And we arrived before that time, like 1625, and the movie was already playing! What the ooooh was that?? baru lagi tu...selalunya wayang ane akhir start, coz they have those sneak previews of upcoming movies and stuffs....

Anyways, seat was comfy (Seri Qlap Mall) and since left right front back were occupied, i was thinking it is a full house. right i was. hehe. the crowd was cOOl, not so noisy. and what particularly caught my ears was a kid who's always sighing giving his respond abt a particular scene. pretty funy lah at times. Hahah, berakal bunyinya...

Right, to the rating.......i would give a 4.5/5.... and sally rated it a ''10/10!wuhuu!''

M nt good in evaluating movies actually, but spidey3 has a good storyline. ada drama. action, suspense, romance and comedy was nicely put. graphic wise nda pyh cakap lah, its great! as u can see in the above pic.

I dont think we'll be expecting another sequal to this movie ah? Coz most series, as i was told, has only until 3 episodes. No more peter parker then.....

Nuff said, go and watch the movie and tell me what u think, huhu!

1 comment:

  1. I agreed with Sally... I rated the movie 10/10 too... lawa movienya...

    ahernya dpt jua meliat superhero menangis huhuhu...
